1. | The provision of existing quorum of 15% attendance was amended considering the expenditures and efforts involved in conducting the meetings as :”There shall be no compulsion of quorum for EBM’S and GBM’S of the association, if the meeting is called well in time as per rules. | | GBM held at Nainital hosted jointly by Moradabad & Bareilly Chapters under the President ship of Ar. H. K. Agarwal. | Confirmed in the next meeting. |
2. | Frequency of General Body Meeting was changed from 3 months interval to 4 months interval | | Item No. 7 of minutes of 23rd GBM at Agra on 22.04.2007 | Confirmed in 24th GBM held at Moradabad |
3. | Timings of General Body Meeting was changed from the month of December to the month of October/ November. | | Item No. 8 of minutes of 23rd GBM at Agra on 22.04.2007 | Confirmed in 24th GBM held at Moradabad |
4. | The provision of annual membership was abolished and only the provision of life membership will continue. | | General Body Meeting held at Meerut. | |
5. | The life membership fees was increased from RS. 1500/ to RS. 5000/ | | General Body Meeting held at Meerut | |
6. | The President shall have the power to grant the membership of the U.P.A.A. Directly as per bye-laws. | | | |
7. | The chapter of U.P.A.A. or the Association in different cities shall be the constituent of U.P.A.A. which should be written on the letter lead of the Chapter stationary. | | | |
8. | Ar. Y. Chandra, founder President & Constitution writer is designated as Patron of the U.P.A.A. | | GBM of U.P.A.A. held at Noida. | |